Mission & Vision

Our mission

We strive to offer high-quality, responsible and healthy childcare in which every child is unique and deserves a place. Where security and loving attention are offered, a place where the child can play and where he can develop at his own pace.

Our vision on children and their development

Within our daycare center, the good and healthy development of the child is central. This development takes place in a safe environment, which we provide. There is a pedagogical climate where there is room for both group education and individual development. In addition to daily care, we attach great importance to the fact that the environment provides a stimulus for the children to develop physically, socially-emotionally, creatively, linguistically and cognitively. In this way we respond to the natural need of children to develop. Every child develops in his own way, at his own pace and above all according to his own needs. In order to develop optimally, we believe it is very important to be able to offer a child (self) confidence and safety

Our vision on childcare

We strive for high-quality, responsible and healthy childcare. Within our shelter we want to create a safe environment for the children, in which every child can develop. We believe it is very important that the environment offers sufficient challenge.

Healthy food contributes to the good development of the child. Safety is important to offer the child security and protection when the child needs it. We also attach great importance to communication and cooperation with parents. We believe that through open communication, optimal coordination can take place regarding the education of the children.

Our principles here are:

· The interests of the child are central, guaranteeing a pedagogical practice where children can develop in a safe and familiar environment.

· Safe and healthy childcare. The environment in which the children develop is safe and healthy. We protect children against major risks and teach them to deal with minor risks.

· Continuously striving for the highest achievable quality. We will therefore continue to work on this continuously. We are aware of the latest legislation, keep the structure and content of the groups up to date, and provide courses. All this so that employees can adequately respond to new developments within current and future childcare.

· We offer stability and pedagogical customization. A stable and therefore safe environment is a prerequisite for development.

· We believe it is important that there is teamwork between child, parent and pedagogical employee. From the start of the day, we show children and parents that we are there for them and that they can come to us.

· Working in childcare is a profession. We place higher demands on the professionalism of employees, because they and the children deserve it.

· Offering a development-oriented activities program, which is also in line with our vision of sufficient exercise.

· Healthy food is central “the future starts with healthy childcare.
