
We believe it is important that children develop and have a good time at our childcare center.

At our daycare centers we work according to the Uk & Puk activity program: Using this method, we provide 12 themes containing development-oriented activities.

By being active and playing, babies, toddlers and toddlers develop broader and faster. Uk & Puk is not difficult, but it is well thought out. The activities stimulate speech and language skills, social-emotional skills, motor and sensory skills and provide the first arithmetic stimuli.

At Uk & Puk, playing and discovering are central. The children develop in the groups through play. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers acquire new skills and thus naturally undergo broad development. Play, discover and grow!

Babies are involved in the activities program at all times. They are also involved as much as possible in various craft activities, which they often visibly enjoy.

In addition to offering targeted activities, we also think it is very important that children can play freely themselves or together. Children learn to control their emotions through play. Play also brings structured tension and excitement, so that children also learn to deal with this.

Most children love being outside and playing outside. It offers children opportunities to run, shout, cycle, etc. Our policy is aimed at children getting outside as much as possible. We believe that playing outside is part of the daily program and should not only be linked to good weather.

Children have the urge to discover things and expand their world. Playing outside is not only good for motor development, but also for cognitive and social development. In addition, playing outside is important for the mental development of children. Estimate distances and determine your own boundaries. But also experience the different seasons with rain, snow and nice sunshine. See the differences between summer and winter.

All kinds of activities can be done outside. Go into nature, create a vegetable garden together and see how the plants grow or feed the birds. But also a trip to the petting zoo, playground, or a nice walk. Playing outside involves getting wet and dirty. So clothes that can take a beating and can get dirty are part of that.
