Healty Childcare

Fit4Kids works with the approach of “healthy childcare”. We choose to structurally promote the health and healthy lifestyle of children. Together with you as parents, we play a role in teaching a healthy lifestyle. It is also up to us to set a good example to pass on to your child.

Working on health is not just about healthy food and exercise. Safety in the area, greenery/nature, social-emotional developments, daily rhythm and hygiene are also important.

Healthy food

Healthy food contributes to the good development of your child. That is why we follow the advice for childcare from the Nutrition Center. This means, among other things, that we:

  • Mainly offering products from the Wheel of Five
  • Limit the amount of salt, sugar and saturated fat and ensure that the children get enough fiber.
  • Celebrate parties healthily. That's why we ask parents to make treats small and not too high in calories. Non-edible treats are a nice alternative.
  • We stick to fixed meal times, where we eat quietly at the table. Our staff eats with the children, accompanies them during meals and sets an example.
  • Use your own feeding schedule for babies that we coordinate with the parents/guardians. We also coordinate the giving of the first snacks.


We offer children many opportunities for playful exercise every day. This allows us to contribute to the enjoyment of exercise and play, prevention of obesity at a young age and good motor, social, emotional and cognitive development. Through exercise games, children learn to play together, argue and deal with setbacks. In addition, they develop the awareness that daily exercise is normal for every child and contributes to a healthy lifestyle.

We give the children the opportunity to exercise throughout the day and ensure that the preconditions are met:

  • we ensure that the design of the spaces matches the exercise requirements
         ervaarbehoeftes van kinderen
  • we connect with the children's spontaneous exercise experiences
  • We offer exercise activities that suit the age of the children, for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.
  • We only let babies sit in a bouncer for a short period of time (maximum 10 minutes) and only for a reason such as feeding or for safety reasons. We ensure that babies can move as freely as possible during the day on the floor or in the playpen (where there is sufficient freedom of movement in the playpen because unnecessary toys have been removed).
  • The pedagogical staff adopt an active attitude in all exercise activities. This makes participation more accessible for children.